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District News
Grab and Go Meals07/30/20
Pick Up Grab-and-Go Meals at APS High Schools Starting in August07/30/20
Register Online for the 2023-2021 School Year07/29/20
鲨鱼加速器下载 - 好看123:2021-6-15 · 1.鲨鱼加速器绿色免费版下载鲨鱼加速器104 系统之家 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年3月28日 - 鲨鱼加速器是鲨鱼加速器科技推出的一款专门为广大网游玩家服务的软件,鲨鱼加速器使用十分简单,有需要的朋友赶紧下载吧!07/30/20
District Events
国外有哪些值得推荐的壁纸网站?大图网站?摄影图片网站 ...:2021-3-12 · 一个高清免费墙纸图片收藏网站,你可伍从网站找到各种高质量的摄影作品,图片和图像,为你的电脑设置一款完美的桌面背景。Wallpapers HD 一个提供上千精美高清壁纸供下载的网站,可伍通过多种方式来选择适合自己的壁纸,比如通过分辨率来查找。
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
Board of Education Meeting
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
Bell Schedule
M,T,R,F - 9:00-3:40
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If students arrive after 9:00 they must come to the front office with parent to be signed in and receive a tardy pass.
Students should not arrive any earlier than 8:45am
M,T,R,F - 9:00 - 3:40
Wed - 9:00 - 1:15
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Wed - 9:00 - 1:15
Snow Day Schedule
Days with severe weather conditions the following schedule is in effect:
Reporting time -11:00 - 3:45
Should this fall on a Wednesday, dismissal will be at 3:45.